-40% Quick view Skyline rulers €8.00 -40% €4.80 Use the straight side of the ruler for everyday measuring or take the scenic route when you have time to spare. The perfect gift to bring home...
Quick view Busy bees - Trombones... €13.50 Paper Clips & Magnetic Container Believe the Buzz! Let these magnetic bees take flight to organize your papers just right.
Quick view Cao Maru €42.00 Words can’t describe CAOMARU’s unique tex-ture. Have fun changing its facial expressions by squeezing it in various ways.
Quick view Drac N'roll - éplucheur d'ail €12.50 Garlic Peeler Rock back and forth and give it a roll, toss the skinless cloves into the bowl. That’s how easy it is to prep a meal, with Drac N’...
Quick view Leaflow - Aide à l'arrosage €14.30 Pot Watering Funnel Don't worry about drips and splashes all over the balcony ever again. This hidden funnel may look like a leaf, but it does...
Quick view Hug Doug €14.00 Douglas is very protective of kitchen utensils, ensuring that they don’t disappear into the soup or make a mess while lying around. A helpful...
-40% Quick view Skyline rulers €8.00 -40% €4.80 Use the straight side of the ruler for everyday measuring or take the scenic route when you have time to spare. The perfect gift to bring home...
Quick view Florino €23.80 This sweet little vase is quite a character! With his flexible arms and legs you can place him in whatever position you like. Just fill him up...
-50% Quick view Pince Mi €14.00 -50% €7.00 PINCE MI : this is a round clamp soft and colorful plastic reminiscent of a confetti. This letter holder will make your mail dance on your desk or...
Quick view Toise Théophil €20.00 Measure your children as they grow. On one side you can slip in a picture and on the other, you can write the date. Theophil is for two children.